Fresh Smoothies & Juices

Staying at home? Sitting in the garden?

Keep healthy and revitalised with some fresh smoothies and juices.

Below we give you some of our favourites which are super quick and easy to make at home.


healthy smoothie ingredients


Juice 1: (You can create your own measurements for as much as need)

Fresh Aloe Vera, cut straight from the plant

100% Pure Coconut Water

Mix together and drink


Juice 2:

1 fresh Lemon

1 tablespoon of Honey

100g shredded Ginger

375ml Water

Mix all together in a heated pan but do not bring to the boil

Strain the juices and drink


Juice 3:

1/2 Cup of Kale

1 Cup of Spinach

2 Cucumbers

4 Mint Sprigs

2 TBSP of Parsley

Juice of 1 Fresh Lemon

Handful of Ice

Add each ingredient to a blender and blend away for around 45 seconds.


Juice 4:

1 Banana

60g of Frozen Berries

1 Scoop of Protein Powder (Your choice)

150ml Almond Milk

Handful of Ice

Add each ingredient to a blender and blend away for around 45 seconds.


Juice 5:

1 Banana

150ml Milk

2 TBSP Peanut Butter

2 TSP Honey

Handful of Ice

Add each ingredient to a blender and blend away for around 45 seconds.


You can pretty much make a juice or smoothie from anything (edible) in your kitchen, just give it a go and you may come up with your new personal favourite drink!

You can add strawberries and top the smoothies with chunks of fruit, not only does this make them look great, but it feels like more of a meal because you're eating as well and drinking.

Happy smoothie making,

Team Pursue

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